香港の和興白花油 マッサージ編



仕事や勉強で長時間ストレスにされている学生やサラリーマン・OLには、薬物依存の危険性の高い薬の服用に頼るのではなく、「白花油」・「白花清幽」が 緊張緩和にお勧めです。特定部位を毎日、数分間マッサージするだけで力がよみがえりリラックスできます。あなたがもし頭痛・ストレスに悩まされているので したら、下記のヒントを是非お試し下さい。天然エッセンシャルオイル処方の「白花油」・「白花清幽」をお使いになればさらに素晴らしい効果と喜びが得られ ます。






















張が頭痛の原因である場合の多くは、頭・首部を刺激するポイント:足の親指(つま先)の先をマッサージすることにより頭痛が緩和されます。足の親指をつか み、首筋の緊張がなくなるまでぐるぐる回します。次に、頭洞を刺激するポイントである足の親指(つま先)の先端をつまみます。













眉毛のちょうど上の額部分をマッサージします。髪の毛のはえぎわに沿って、両中指で押さえながら円を描きます。もし、硬さがあるようでしたら、目に対する負 担があるということです。両目の間にある鼻骨部分をつまむことも緩和に効果があります。このマッサージを6回繰り返してください。




親指は頭部・首部に繋がっています。 親指を押したりもんだりしてのマッサージは目や頭部全体の緩和に有効です。




目に繋がるポイントは、第2趾(足親指 の次)と 第3趾 の付け根部分に在ります。脚を上げ、これらの部分を押さえたり、回したりして刺激して下さい。



旅行中の食事やビジネスでの食事は消化・規則的な生活のためには よいものではありません。座席に座ったまま消化によくない機内食を食べなければ行けない長時間のフライトは便秘の原因です。あなたがこのような傾向にある のでしたら、次のセルフタッチ・マッサージをお試し下さい。




親指と小指を除く3本の指で、最初は右手でみぞおちの下にある胃部分を押さえます。押さえながら徐に下がり、肝臓・胆嚢部分をマッサージします。次に、両 手でウエストと太腿の間の横側を押さえ、腸の働きを刺激します。最後に、へその下10cmのスポットを押さえます。痛む部位があれば、その部位のステップ に戻り、さらに長くマッサージを加えてください。食後1時間にこれらのエクササイズを行ってください。











腸に繋がるポイントは腕の外側部分、肘関節部から人差し指を結ぶ線上に在ります。最も重要なポイントは前腕部、肉の盛り上がった部分です。親指でこの部位 周辺を押さえ、最も強い刺激(痛み)のあるポイントを探ります。痛みを感じた場合は、腸内に老廃物が蓄積されている可能性があります。同様に、腕の内側部 分に小腸に繋がるポイントが在ります。腕(手首)の上、前腕そして肘にも小腸に繋がるポイントがあります。それぞれ3回ずつ押さえてください。







当は、胃・腸に繋がる最も重要なポイントは足にあります。手指の節(関節の背側)を使って足の裏中央部分を前後に出来るだけ強くこすり、小腸を刺激しま す。大腸を刺激する為に、中央とかかとの間部分を円を描いて強くこすります。胃を刺激するポイントは、親指の下、土踏まず部分にあり、ここを7秒間親指で 押さえます。これを3回繰り返します。



Tips of Massage



If you are troubled by headaches. we offer you the following tips for easing pain and tension. You may find a surprising effect and tremendous pleasure, if assisted with White Flower Oil formulated with natural essential oils.



Head Pressure (Kneading)


Press your middle right-hand finger on the top center of the forehead, while relaxing your elbows on the table. Push with your middle left-hand finger over the right to reinforce the pressure. Then, try the double finger pressing on the spots two inches away from the center, which govern nerve centres. The headache pain will be soothed.



Hand Pressure


Pinch the web between the index finger and the thumb of your left hand with the same of the right, in order to cause endorphins, a naturally produced pain killer, to be released from your brain. Then, press in at the side of the web, near the base of the index finger.



Finger Pinches


Just simply pinch the ends of your middle three fingers of each hand. These points relate to the head and sinuses.





Foot Pressures and Pinches


If your headache is caused by tension, it can often be relieved by massaging the head and neck relevant spots at the meridian of your big toe. Now grasp your big toe and circle it around and around to loosen up the tension on your neck. Then pinch the end of each toe which is the sinus point. You will find miraculous results.





It is easy to strain your eyes when you spend a great amount of time on reading or doing any kind of concentrated work which keeps your eyes in the same focus. Nearsightedness, as well as any discomfort, is often caused by "frozen focus", therefore, to learn about relaxing and releasing the muscles and nerves around the eyes is important . Below are some simple massage tips for our website friends:


Skull Pressure


First, press with your thumbs on the base of skull while keeping both hands on each side of head. Start to move your thumbs while pressing up into the division of skull, then move down to the neck, pressing along the neck bone (cervical spine) with two thumbs. The nerves in this area affect eyesight. Repeat the entire movement three times.




Again, place your elbows on a desk to get support. Without applying any pressure, cover your eyes with both palms to generate complete darkness and hold this position for at least a minute. This is a way to relieve tension and revive circulation around the eyes by the darkness and the warmth from your palms. If you are working a great deal with your eyes, try palming every hour.


Eyebrow Massage


Massage acrosss the forehead area right above your eyebrows. Starting at the center, press and circle with the middle fingers of both hands, working out to the hairline on each side. If you are feeling tight on this area, it means that the energy to the eyes has been blocked. You can also pinch the top of the nose bone between your eyes to relieve tension. Repeat the entire process six times.


Thumb Massage


As are the big toes, the thumbs are related to your head and neck. Through pressing and kneading, give a complete and good massage to each of your thumbs to relieve tension in the eyes and the entire head area.


Toe Massage


The reflex points for the eyes are located at the bottom of the second and third toes, close to the foot. Hold your foot up so that you can efficiently work on this area. With your thumb press then rub just below, and inbetween, the toes.




It is notorious that travelling and business dining are the enemies of good digestion and regularity. In our daily life, a long flight can be the most constipating situation, while we are sitting still at high altitudes and eating intestine-blocking food. Fortunately, Aromatherapy can help to solve this problem. As you find yourself possiblly situated in a condition which can cause constipation or indigestion, try these self-touch massages.


Abdominal Massage / Pressure


Starting out by pressing the middle three fingers of your right hand into the stomach area located just below the solar plexus, down and over to the right of the liver and gallbladder points. Then, press on both sides of the area between your waist and thigh with the fingers of both hands in order to stimulate the colon. The last step is to press in the spot about four inches below the navel. Wherever feels sore, you may want to go back and press longer. All these exercises should be done about an hour after a meal.


Ear Pinches


On our ears, we can find serveral spots which are the reflex points for elimination and digestion. Just simply pinch these points on each ear and hold for about seven seconds.



Face Pressure and Pinches


Between our chin and nose is the area related to our stomach and colon. Now, gentlly move your index and middle fingers up and down on the cheek on each side of your nose.

Repeat ten times. Then, pinch the tip of your nose and hold it for six seconds, and release. Repeat three times. Next pinch the middle of your chin with thumb and index finger. Hold for six seconds, then repeat three times.



Arm Pressure


The reflex points for our large intestine are located on the outside of the arm in a direct line from the middle of upper arm to the index finger. The most sensitive spot is on the lower arm, right after the elbow crease, where you will find a mound of flesh. Push into and move around on this point with your thumb to get a strong reaction. You may feel sore here, which means the possibility of blocked-up waste in the intestine. Also, you may find the reflective point for small intestine along inside of the arm, running up from the little finger. Press small intestine points above the wrist, at mid-forearm, and at the elbow. Pressure should be applied to each spot three times.



Palm Pinches


The colon and stomach reflex spots traverse the middle of our palm. Pinch and press across the hand from below the little finger to above the thumb pad, then pause for four seconds. Repeat on both hands three times.


Foot Pressure


Truthfully, the most crucial points for the stomach and colon are located on our feet. Use your knuckles to rub back and forth on the center of your heel to stimulate the small intestine, applying as much pressure as possible. As for stimulating your colon, apply the movement in circles from the midpoint of each foot to the heel. Repeat three times. The stomach point is almost halfway down the foot directly below the big toe. Press into it with your thumb and hold for seven seconds, then release it. Repeat three times.